Issue Position: Budget

Issue Position

The lack of revenue has directly affected other pressing issues and is the first thing that needs to be addressed. In order to address any other issue, the budget must be managed properly. Raised by a businessman, Sean learned about hard work and the value of a dollar at an early age. Now that he owns his own small business, he is constantly searching for new ways to increase revenue and lower expenses. Tarwater makes it a practice to shop his vendors every six months. This decreases unnecessary expenses and provides more efficient solutions without sacrificing quality. Sean will install the same practice for the state of Kansas. Too many of the politicians have forgotten these simple principles. The state government's spending habits and budget gimmicks are hurting Kansas taxpayers and costing us jobs and opportunity. We need a representative who understands the principles of fiscal responsibility and will take a stand against the career politicians. Bringing reason and common sense back to the budget process will ensure success.

Sean will fight for taxpayers. He will focus on protecting our tax dollars by finding efficiencies and work to create jobs. At the state level, revenue comes from adding jobs, increasing consumer spending, or increasing taxes. Kansas recently issued the largest sales tax increase in history and we are still falling short. Tarwater knows we need more jobs and more consumers spending in Kansas.
